Our services include:
- Pre-Scheduled Campus Tours
- Singapore Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Tour
- Custom Tours for Schools
- Custom Tours for Families
Pre-Scheduled Campus Tours
Singapore is well-known as the education hub of Asia with its world-renowned universities and education system. It is hence of no surprise that tens of thousands of students come to Singapore each year just to pursue their studies! As a prospective student, you would like to find out what is the application process, the kind of student life you can expect, the facilities you can enjoy and more. As a parent or teacher, you would want to find out whether the university and environment are suitable for your child or student.
Flying Chalks takes care of all the above with the first island wide campus tour gives you unrivalled insights into Singapore’s education system and its universities! The tour includes visitations to the top three universities in Singapore and a private university. Students will get a first-hand experience of the school’s culture, learn more about the admissions programs, and speak to students about life in Singapore. In addition, you will get to immerse yourself in Singapore’s rich culture and visit its top attractions!
Flying Chalks offers more than simply a tour.
Our campus tour guides are students who are studying at the university and can share with you the authentic experience you can expect! In addition, you can expect to immerse yourself in a truly local experience where our guides will bring you to good food places rarely known to tourists and share with you interesting perspectives of our country.
Upon arrival, you will receive a pre-departure package that includes an itinerary completed with basic information on the places you will visit. Here are some highlights:
- Student-led campus tours
- Opportunity to connect and bond with both local and international students
- Explore and learn Singapore’s rich culture
- Visit top tourist attractions in Singapore
Singapore Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Tour
Singapore has recently risen to be the Entrepreneurial Hub of Southeast Asia where much of the credit goes to the Singapore government for pumping in tens of billions of dollars to support entrepreneurs through institutions, grants and programs. The country is now home to thousands of aspiring start-ups, renowned venture capitalists and star investors like Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin.
Flying Chalks brings you on a tour complemented with entrepreneurship workshops so that you can gain a deep understanding of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Singapore. You will get to visit some of the renowned start-up incubators and accelerators, listen to sharing by entrepreneurs on their start-up journey as well as interact with investors who have set up shop in Singapore. In addition, you will get to immerse yourself in Singapore’s rich culture and visit its top attractions!
Flying Chalks offers more than simply a tour.
Our entrepreneurship workshop tour guides are youths who have exposure to start-ups and can share with you their insights to it! In addition, you can expect to immerse yourself in a truly local experience where our guides will bring you to good food places rarely known to tourists and share with you interesting perspectives of our country.
Upon arrival, you will receive a pre-departure package that includes an itinerary completed with basic information on the places you will visit. Here are some highlights:
- Entrepreneurship workshop that covers the following topics:
- Singapore’s unique entrepreneurship ecosystem
- Business idea generation and learning the Business Model Canvas
- Bootstrapping and fundraising for a start-up
- Guerrilla marketing for start-ups
- How to approach business partners and forge partnerships
- Visit various Incubators & Accelerators
- Sharing sessions by entrepreneurs
- Visit Venture Capitalists & Investors
- Tour co-working spaces for start-up companies
Custom Tours
In addition to the pre-scheduled tour, Flying Chalks also offers customized college tours for schools, groups, or individual families.
* All participants will also be provided with a pre-departure planning booklet, summaries of colleges to be visited, and a checklist to use to evaluate each college during the tour!
- Plan all logistics including arranging of accommodation, transportation and meals
- Customized tour itinerary that suits your travelling style and needs
- Guided campus tours
- Guided city tours & visits to Singapore’s top attractions
- Book and plan additional requested activities (local festivals, amusement parks, plays or musicals, museums etc.)
- Counselors, teachers, or parents will not have to spend much time and effort in arranging the logistics and coordinating the campus tours.
- Parents and students can get to interact with students currently studying at these colleges to get a complete overview of the college admissions process, the student life they can expect, amongst many others.
- Students return to school more focused and with an accurate view of the colleges they can consider applying for.

I want to thank you for the superb care and organisation that you exemplified with our tour group from Singapore School Cebu.
My daughter was one of the 20 who joined the recent tour and even she can't stop talking about 'Uncle Melvin'! Same was shared by Teachers Bernard and Mia.
I hope to meet you one of these days as I also would like to explore opportunities in the future.

It allowed me to get to know my pupils more and to see them outside of school setting. I learnt a lot from the tours - the culture, the history of Singapore. It brought to life what we read in books about Singapore. It was wonderful to see my pupils learning. Melvin was the best! You see his passion and he was not only knowledgeable but made a good connection with the pupils. Pupils were engaged and he accounted for everyone!

I had a lot of fun and did learn a lot during the duration of the trip. It was also really convenient that everything was already planned and other things like snacks and water were provided!

I learnt a lot about universities and studying in Singapore. Also about the Singapore History and made the trip very productive!

I got the opportunity to step up to be more independent and I got to know more of how far Singapore has come. I am very thankful and very happy that because of this program, i have had a lot of fun and have made great and unforgettable memories!

창업을 시작하려는 학생으로써 알아야 할, 알면 도움이 되는, 다양한 것들을 배웠습니다.
아무도 저에게 알려주지 않았던 진심어린 조언과 한 때는 저와 비슷한 상황이였던 사람들이 어떻게 발전하였고 회사를 키우게 되었는 지에 대해 배웠습니다. 다들 공통되게 해준 조언은 실패했어도 포기하지 말라는 말이 제일 도움이 됐습니다.
As a student who wants to do start-up, I learnt many helpful things. No one has every advised me as sincerely and I also learnt how to develop my business as an individual. The most helpful advice which told by all of them was “Don’t give up even though you fail”.

막연하게 생각했었던 창업에 대한 구체적인 정보들을 듣게 되면서, 어떻게 창업을 해야하는지, 어떤 생각을 가진 창업자가 되어야 하는 지 배울 수 있었습니다. 그리고 싱가포르는 창업하기에 정말 좋은 나리인 것 같습니다. 이곳 싱가포르에서 정말 좋은 추억과 배움을 얻어갈 수 있게 노력해주신 Flying Chalks의 Melvin, Esther 그리고 Alex에게 감사의 말씀을 드립니다. 감사합니다.
I had a vague plan of start-up but by listening to detailed information, I learnt how to do start-up and what kind of thought should the founder have. And I also realized that Singapore is a really good country to do start-up. and Thanks to Flying Chalks, Melvin, Esther and Alex for their efforts to make good memories and experiences in Singapore.

창업에 대한 관점이 변할 수 있었던 계기가 되었습니다. 창업이라는 것은 단순히 돈이 많이 필요하고 특출난 아이디어를 가진 사람만이 할 수 있는 것이라고 생각했는데 이번 스타트업 벤치마킹 프로그램을 통해 누구든 열정과 관심을 가지고 있다면 할 수 있는 기회는 얼마든지 만들 수 있다는 것을 느꼈습니다. 특히 대학교의 인큐베이팅 시스템부터 투자회사 엑스파라의 일정을 통해 궁금증을 해결할 수 있었습니다. 가장 흥미로웠떤 일정은 실제 창업가의 입장을 들을 수 있었던 워크숍이었습니다.
It was a chance to change the thought I had about start-up. Previously, I thought start-up needs a lot of money and a somewhat brilliant Idea but through this start-up program, I felt that with passion and interests, the opportunity to do start-up will be easy. From visiting university's incubating system to visiting Expara, the investing company helped me to answer the questions I had. Especially the workshop with founders of start-up made it possible to hear directly from the founder was so interesting.

我們很感謝Charlotte小姐帶我們導覽Clark Quay 及Marina Bay Sands。Charlotte小姐年輕又漂亮,人也很和善,希望下次有機會仍可以讓他再導覽我們。
I would like to express my gratitude to Flying Chalks for arranging our tour program in Singapore.
Special thanks to our tour guide, Charlotte, who brought us around Clarke Quay and Marina Bay Sands. Charlotte is a young, charming and friendly guide whom we would definitely love to have for our next visit to Singapore.

Rob and I were very impressed with the two visits organised by Flying Chalks. Your organisation, responsiveness, attention to detail and commitment to making these visits a success were very clear to us and all of our delegates. The visits were full of variety, well-designed and dynamic in terms of the different perspectives on innovation they gave us through the people we met and the places we visited. This was entirely in keeping with the theme.
The entrepreneurship programme is clearly having a great impact on individuals and the wider community. We met a very talented range of individuals. In their presentations and interactions with us, our delegates were most impressed with their intelligence, confidence and commitment to their projects. As one of them said, 'giants of the future'.
I will certainly be very keen to work with you again and will strongly recommend Flying Chalks. It has certainly been rewarding, giving us challenging and very interesting perspectives on innovation. Thank you very much indeed.

진정성이 느껴지는 알찬 프로그램이었습니다. 한국인 인솔자가 통역이 가능해서 도움이 많이 되었습니다. 또 열정 있는 스타트업 CEO들을 통해 많이 배우고 느낄 수 있는 시간이었습니다. 특히, 다양한 스타트업 관계자와의 미팅과 학생들의 비즈니스 아이템을 하나 하나 점검해보는 시간이 가장 좋았습니다.
The program schedule was very well-managed by the Flying Chalks team! I was thrilled to be able to hear candid experiences and opinions from the various start-up CEOs who participated in the program. Also, I really appreciate the fact that I got to witness and experience Singapore’s start-up ecosystem which differs greatly from that in Korea.

스타트업의 천국인 싱가포르를 방문하면서 왜 싱가폴이 스타트업의 나라로 불리는지 직접 느낄 수 있었고, 기존에 관심만 가지고 있었던 창업이나 아이디어들에 대해 개인적으로도 코칭을 받을 수 있어서 창업에 대해 또 다른 관점으로 생각할 수 있었습니다. 그리고 무엇보다도 하나하나 자세히 설명해주시고 함께 어울려 주셨던 플라잉촉스 CEO와 진행자분들 덕에 이 프로그램을 잘 즐길 수 있었던 거 같습니다. 특히, 현지인과 함께하는 활동이 매우 인상 깊었습니다.
The visit to Singapore made me realize why the country is known as “the start-up heaven”! The program also broadened my perspectives on entrepreneurship and I even received personal coaching for my start-up ideas. Above all, the reason why I enjoyed the program so much is thanks to the Flying Chalks team who provided us with detailed explanations and bonded really well with us. The session that allowed us to interact with local students through fun activities was especially memorable for me.

스타트업 CEO들과의 만남, SMU 견학, 투자 센터 방문 등의 경험이 창업에 대한 강한 동기 부여가 됐습니다. 또, 정해진 시간을 유익하고 즐겁게 보냈다는 점에서 프로그램 진행자분들께 감사드립니다. 스타트업에 관심이 있는 분들에게 꼭 참가를 권하고 싶습니다. 이번 프로그램을 통해 아시아의 실리콘밸리라고 불리는 싱가포르는 한국과 어떻게 다른지 직접 눈으로 보고 느낄 수 있는 시간을 보냈습니다. SMU와 교내 스타트업 인큐베이터를 견학하며 큰 동기 부여가 되었고, 스타트업 CEO들과 만나고 투자 센터를 방문하며 다양한 경험을 배우고 공유할 수 있었습니다. 이런 뜻 깊은 시간을 만들어 준 Yijin과 Melvin에 한번 더 고마움을 표하고 싶습니다. 고마워~!
Meetings with the start-up CEOs and officials from Korea Venture Investment Corporation, along with the SMU campus tour and all other experiences that I got from this program have greatly motivated me to pursue my entrepreneurial aspirations. I would like to thank the Flying Chalks team for making this experience a really enjoyable and beneficial one for all of us, and I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who is interested in entrepreneurship!
Through this program, I was able to gain insights on how Singapore, also known as the Start-up hub of Asia, differentiates from that which we have in Korea. It was a great session where I not only got to learn from experienced start-up CEOs but also share my ideas and experiences with everyone. Once again, I would like to thank Yijin and Melvin for allowing us to have such great times and memories for us. Thank you!

인솔자 분이 현지 스케줄 관리를 너무 잘 해주셨어요! 실제로 사업을 운영 중인 여러 창업자분들의 진솔한 이야기를 들을 수 있어서 좋았습니다. 한국과는 비교되는 싱가폴 스타트업 인프라를 직접적으로 보고 느낄 수 있었던 점도 좋았습니다.
The program schedule was very well-managed by the Flying Chalks team! I was thrilled to be able to hear candid experiences and opinions from the various start-up CEOs who participated in the program. Also, I really appreciate the fact that I got to witness and experience Singapore’s start-up ecosystem which differs greatly from that in Korea.

Sincere thanks to the Flying Chalks team for your warm reception and customized services in Singapore. On behalf of my organization, we wish Flying Chalks great success in the times ahead!

Thank you very much for assisting us for our program in Singapore. We truly felt your team's sincerity in serving us and ensuring that we get the greatest value out of our expenses in Singapore.
We wish Flying Chalks and its entire team all the best in the journey ahead!
It was very helpful and meaningful tour ever. This tour gave useful experience to our team. The quality of the tour and the personality of the guide was nice enough to impress us. So, We want to post the review which contains everything we get from the tour as possible as we can. One of our team members confused the time of Singapore so that we arrived late for the appointment about 30 minutes. However, even if he had waited 30 minutes, he wasn’t angry, rather his attitude was very kind and care us well.
After we arrived, he guided us to the meeting room of the Co-working place and offered us cups of water first. And he started the lecture about the origin, history, myth, population rates, and other useful information to understand Singapore. It was meaningful because even if we came to Singapore for start-up tour, we didn’t know much about Singapore. From the lecture, we could understand Singapore better and it helped us to understand Singapore culture and start-up ecosystem.
Second activity of the tour was touring food start-up area in block71. On the way to went to the food place, we explained about the food start-up area and recommend us about what food is popular here and what flavor it has. However, it was too crowded so we couldn’t find any available place, but guide was willing to brought us to his office. While we were eating food, he gave us information of how global economy is moving to Asia, what technologies has been developing in countries of Asia, and company’s information which offer service we need with reasonable price as an answer of our question. Plus, he even bought us nice coffees and teas with his own money. Our major is not directly related to the business and we didn’t search enough so that we didn’t have those kinds of information. So, the lunchtime with this guide “Glen” was very helpful to us and we could have relaxing time with fresh foods and coffee.
After that we had an interview time with the staff of European Venture Capital company. We’re from Korea where we don’t use English for main language. So, when we asked the questions to the staff, it didn’t make sense. However, Glen help us to organize proper sentence for asking what we want to ask. With his helping for conversation, we could learn about Venture Capital and we could get useful advice about business model, intellectual property and how to develop our idea to practical business system. It was very helpful to our team so we were so satisfied with the trip.
For the last, we visited universities which related Block71 start-up. It was also interesting experience to explore the university which related to business directly. The surprising and thankful thing was, even after finish our tour, he took us to our destination and helped our holiday-trip too. We wanted to visit the landmark places in Singapore but we didn’t know where the landmark places are and how to reach to the places. However, Glen told us what places are the landmark of the Singapore, why it becomes to landmark and useful information about holiday-trip. He even took us to the landmark places and explained about those as a holiday-tour guide. He guided us all the way we went to the Marina-bay, too. It was so grateful that he cared and guided us by spending his free time more than few hours. We are really satisfied with his guide. If I have a chance later, I will be willing to visit Singapore and sign up for this tour for longer tour. I recommend to this for other start-up CEO or students who have interested in Start-up.